Location Reports

Quick Links to Location Reports from Newsletters

Sóller Railway's catenary inspection vehicle, made by Sabata Ubach, based on an old Hispano Suiza-powered lorry. Now powered by an Ebro engine.

Links to location reports in earlier Newsletters - click on a link to go to the relevant report - please note that to conserve space on the server images on earlier reports and newsletters may be reduced in size but you can e-mail me  for a full size version if required

Mike Kaben's Report

A long and superb report from Mike Kaben, copiously illustrated with terrific photos of the railways of Majorca as he found them in October 1999. These include pictures of new stations/buildings at Palma (amazing changes), Inca and Sóller and there are even some taken in Palma's underground carparks, showing where they were intersected by the old tunnel connecting the FCM station with the Palma waterfront and docks !!

And now four reports which were all introduced in the August 2000 Newsletter - four very different reports on the current state of the railways in Majorca.

John Glover's Report
This is the report which, in 1999, made me determined to begin my Majorca Railways website. It is extremely detailed and John also sent me a number of the photos which are listed towards the end of the report - thanks, John

Neil Worthington's Report

Richard Green's Report

Dave Manders' Report and Photos

Jonathan Beaumont's Report
In addition to this report Jonathan has sent me some of the best pictures I've seen recently and as soon as I get my ****ing scanner working properly agin I shall share them with you !!

Gerhard Schumann's Report
from the September 2000 Newsletter consists of three parts. The first is a report on the Majorcan railways, culled from an Austrian railways magazine called "Schienenverkehr aktuell", issue 4/2000. The second is his own report on the status of the Sa Pobla extension and finally, he says, he found in the German-language "Mallorca-Magazin" that a study has been ordered on the possibility of an airport tram as well as the Alcudia extension for about 80 million pesetas, the results of which will be presented in January 2001.
Unfortunately, neither Mike Kaben nor I have the time or experience to translate Gerhard's report properly so both the original (German) version and a computer-translated English version are included. The translated section also includes some of Mike's own comments but possibly, by reading the two in conjunction, you may be able to get the whole story.

If you can supply anything in the way of photos, information or links which could enhance this site, please send them to Barry Emmott,  or (for German language e-mails) Michael Kaben  by clicking on the underlined name, remove the word REMOVE (spam-avoidance). Please send photos to both of us (use the c.c. facility on your e-mailer) as I compile the newsletter but Mike is our wizard when it comes to image manipulation !! All worthwhile contributions will be most gratefully and enthusiastically received (see recent newsletters) and will be acknowledged wherever possible, especially if they can be used.